~ Biography ~

Suzana Stojanović, an artist and author, was born in Vranje, a small town in southern Serbia, on April 18, 1969. She comes from a family of intellectuals. Suzana started reading and painting when she was four. The early period of her artistic work lasted till 1988. During that period, she tried her skill at different fields and left behind hundreds of art works. She studied the painting skills of the Old Masters and different techniques (watercolor, mosaic, pastel, encaustics, and graphite pencil on paper, iconography, sculpture, engraving, and oil on canvas). Suzana started painting oil on canvas when she was eleven years old. She participated in many group exhibitions and art colonies as well. Apart from being the winner of numerous prestigious awards, she is also the recipient of the 7th September award of the city of Vranje, the public recognition for her exceptional achievements in the category of education, and for the numerous regional and international prizes won in the field of art, musical, and literary creativity. She finished High School of Mathematics and Technical Science (Informatics Section) and participated in numerous maths, physics, and literature competitions, achieving outstanding results. She thoroughly studied astronomy and acquired enviable knowledge in this field. The same year she finished High School of Mathematics and Technical Science, Suzana also finished High School of Music, specializing in the violin and comparative piano. She participated in many music contests, festivals, and music ceremonies. She composed her first composition when she was fifteen years old. Having finished High School of Music and High School of Mathematics and Technical science, Suzana Stojanović studied Serbian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš and continued perfecting playing the piano. Although in this period of her life she decided on music, writing fiction, and reading and studying the works of the world’s most famous writers and poets, painting and drawing, however, have always been her greatest loves. After studies, she briefly worked as a Serbian language teacher in an elementary school, but she still made her dreams come true as the hyperrealism artist. Suzana’s return to the arts scene after thirteen years was marked by “The Magical World of Horses” series. This series, among other works with the motif of Arabian horses, was presented in several solo exhibitions throughout Serbia (“Madam” Gallery, Pančevo 2001; Gallery of National University, Vranje 2002; Gallery of Center of Culture, Vladičin Han 2002; “SKUT” Gallery, Niš 2003) among which the largest was in Belgrade (“Geca Kon” Gallery 2002). Many of her hyperrealistic artworks are to be found in private and public collections in the USA, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and North Macedonia. She is the author of the book “The structure and meaning of the border stories of Ilija Vukićević” (2010) and many literary, artistic, and philosophical texts, short stories, satires, essays, and poems. Her prose has been published in the representative international literary journals, reviews, and magazines (“Cardinal Sins” 2021, “Your Impossible Voice” 2022, “Fiction International” 2022, “Mount Hope” 2023), and elsewhere. Also, her work has been nominated for the “Best Small Fictions 2023” anthology. Suzana speaks English and Macedonian. Presently, she works on a new series of artworks, based on medieval motifs, called “The Secret Gardens”, paints horses and thoroughly studies the horse anatomy, and also writes new books and working illustrations (featured in “Barnstorm Journal” 2024). She dedicates a story and a poem to each of her paintings and drawings, and her dream is to compose again someday. The artist lives and works in her studio in Niš.